15,000 acres. 4000-6000 sheep. Hoards of kangaroos, camels, 20 guardian donkeys, horses, dogs, emus, chickens, pigs, goats, deer and three humans.The Lynch family, originally from Ireland, drew it as a ballot block back in the early 20th century and gave it the name "Shandonvale". The three Lynch brothers then operated the property for the next 97 years.
The Stent-Smith family acquired it in 2007 and we have been bringing it back up to its full potential since then.
In 2017 we renovated the original residence and turned it into accommodation for our guests who want to get a taste of the real Straya.
Your Hosts

Lane and Deon Stent-Smith
Getting To Shandonvale
Our station is located a short 1.5 hours drive from Longreach, the heart of outback Queensland and home to The Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame and the Qantas Founders Museum.
Nearby is Barcaldine (a 45 minute drive), location of the famous Tree of Knowledge, site of the 1891 Shearer's Strike, where legend has it that the Australian Labor Party was formed.
Half an hour’s drive to the north-east, through the town of Aramac, you will find the Lake Dunn sculpture trail, the longest of its kind in the world. A great day trip.
Winton, to our north west, is the Dinosaur Capital of Australia.
If you will be flying up, it's easiest to land in Longreach. Hire cars are readily available at Longreach airport. For those visiting in private aircraft, our Airstrip Co-ordinates S 23 07.470 E 145 23.606, 1000m strip East West, Oz Runway code: OZSHE.

Frequently Asked Questions
Where will I be staying at Shandonvale? You will be staying in the station's guest house, about half a kilometre from the owner's homestead.
What activities are there to do at Shandonvale? Across our 15,000 acre property you can freely explore, see some native wildlife, fish, relax and soak up the beauty of the outback. See The Shandonvale Experience for more details.
What do I need to bring with me? BYO your own tucker. We also recommend you bring long-sleeved shirts, long pants, boots and a wide-brimmed hat. And don't forget your swimmers for our artesian bath experience. The sun can be hot during the day out here and you’ll be outside for a lot of the time. However from March to August it's cold at night so also bring a jacket and warm clothing.